Star for Life


CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, means that we as a company take responsibility for our society and give some of the profits back to our surroundings.

We have been collaborating with Star for Life for a few years and are a partner of Sapebuso Primary School in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Star for Life is a non-profit organization that helps young people to formulate and realize their dreams
Through a unique educational program, their coaches strengthen students’ self-esteem and motivate them to invest in their education and make wise life decisions. In this way, they can more easily build a better future and, as adults, contribute to a more equal, fair and sustainable society. There are currently over 120 Star for life schools in South Africa and Namibia, and so far, more than 450,000 students have taken part in the programs.

To Star for Life

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We are Sigma Energy & Marine. Today, our engineers will deliver solutions that make tomorrow better for everyone.

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My name is Britta Larsson and I am your main contact regarding

My name is Fredrik Borg and I am your main contact regarding Renewable Energy.

My name is Gustaf Lager and I am your main contact regarding

My name is Daniel Hermansson and I am your main contact regarding Subsea.

My name is Martin Stegberg and I am your main contact regarding

My name is Daniel Rickert and I am your main contact regarding Industry Simulations.

My name is Johanna Lund and I am your main contact regarding

My name is Jakob Pohorely and I am your main contact regarding

My name is Idah Stenholm Hagman and I am your main contact regarding

My name is Per Bodforss and I am your main contact regarding Marine.

My name is Gustaf Wallerstedt and I am your main contact regarding Process & Plant.

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